This is example R code for using opm to store PM data in an SQLite
database and retrieving them again.
This code can be used to check whether a database either found in an R or environment variable or identical to the default value (see below) is correctly set up for this purpose. The code also shows how to include a user-defined selection of metadata.
Note: The database file must be accessible with the current user as user
and without a password, and the tables must have been set up using the SQL
that comes with opm.
Author: Markus Goeker
This tries to get the name of the database file from the R or environment variable OPM_SQLITE_DB:
if (exists("OPM_SQLITE_DB")) {
dbname <- OPM_SQLITE_DB
} else {
dbname <- Sys.getenv("OPM_SQLITE_DB", file.path("misc", "pmdata.db"))
## [1] "pmdata.db"
conn <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname = dbname)
Next comes an SQLite
-specific command necessary to enable the deletion
mechanism. Must be called each time the database is opened:
dbGetQuery(conn, "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;")
result <- opm_dbcheck(conn)
print(opm_dbnext(2L, conn))
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
if (all(result == "ok")) {
# addition of metadata columns
dbGetQuery(conn, "ALTER TABLE plates ADD COLUMN strain text;")
dbGetQuery(conn, "ALTER TABLE plates ADD COLUMN replicate integer;")
# check with metadata
md <- data.frame(strain = c("X", "Y"), replicate = c(3L, 7L),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
result2 <- opm_dbcheck(conn, md)
# note: removal of metadata columns is impossible with `SQLite` 3.7.9
## [1] TRUE
## last1 insert receive clear object compare last2 samelast
## "ok" "ok" "ok" "ok" "ok" "ok" "ok" "ok"
stopifnot(result == "ok")
## last1 insert receive clear object compare last2 samelast
## "ok" "ok" "ok" "ok" "ok" "ok" "ok" "ok"
stopifnot(result2 == "ok")
detach("package:RSQLite", unload = TRUE)