Using BiodiversityR and opm to generate PCA
bi-plots of estimated
parameters. An advantage of such plots is that the overall differences
between the organisms can be plotted together with indications of the effect
of certain substrates on these differences. Furthermore, the data are reduced
to their independent components before plotting. Depending on the biological
question, this might be more interesting than drawing heat maps. Some
BiodiversityR functions do not always seem to work as intended, see the
comments below.
Author: Markus Goeker, with assistance by Pia Wuest
## Loading required package: tcltk
## Loading required package: vegan
## Loading required package: permute
## Attaching package: 'permute'
## The following object is masked from 'package:pkgutils':
## check
## Loading required package: lattice
## Attaching package: 'lattice'
## The following object is masked from 'package:opm':
## parallelplot
## This is vegan 2.3-0
## BiodiversityR 2.5-2: use function 'BiodiversityRGUI()' to launch the BiodiversityR Graphical User Interface
bi-plot of PM data with BiodiversityRThis function is intended to operate on numeric matrices as generated by
. It uses methods from the vegan and BiodiversityR
Matrix as exported by opm::extract
Logical scalar. Assign symbols by group? This causes secondary
symbols to be plotted over the primary symbols (which should best be
invisible in that case).circle
Logical scalar. Draw equilibrium circle?text.col
Used for drawing descriptor names.points.col
Used for drawing the primary object symbols.arrow.col
Used for drawing descriptor arrows.legend.x
Passed to graphics::legend in non-interactive use.legend.y
Used for the secondary object symbols.cex
Used for drawing descriptor names.scaling
Passed to stats::biplot
Optional arguments passed to stats::biplot
.The function invisibly returns an object of class pca
custom_pca <- function(x, group = TRUE, circle = scaling == 1,
text.col = "darkgrey", points.col = if (group)
"black", arrow.col = "red", legend.x = "topleft", legend.y = NULL,
lwd = 2, cex = 0.4, scaling = 1, ...) {
result <- vegan::rda(x) # conducts a PCA in this setting
result.plot <- biplot(x = result, col = c(points.col, arrow.col),
scaling = scaling, ...)
if (group) {
groups <- data.frame(.N = if (is.null(attr(x, "row.groups")))
attr(x, "row.groups"))
if ( <- dev.capabilities()$locator)
message("click on the preferred position of the legend")
# Problem: in interactive use the returned colour names have been incorrect!
# This did not seem to work on an X11 device! PDF was OK but see below.
cols.used <- BiodiversityR::ordisymbol(result.plot, groups, ".N",
legend =, lwd = lwd)
if (!
legend(legend.x, legend.y, legend = levels(groups$.N),
text.col = cols.used)
text(result.plot, "species", col = text.col, cex = cex)
# Another problem: the circle does not appear in the PDF! Only X11 worked.
if (circle)
BiodiversityR::ordiequilibriumcircle(result, result.plot)
bi-plot for the vaas_4
example datax <- opm::extract(vaas_4, as.labels = list("Strain"),
as.groups = list("Species"))
x.pca <- custom_pca(x)
detach("package:BiodiversityR", unload = TRUE)
detach("package:vegan", unload = TRUE)