WORKSHOP PART 4: Estimating and visualising curve parameters

(According sections in the tutorial: 3.5. Aggregating data by estimating curve parameters, 3.8. Plotting the aggregated data)


Now we load and attach the opm functions. Note that if a package such as opm has already been loaded, the library command does nothing. It thus can be called at any time.


BEGIN code we only need here for users which have no PM data of their own

# Here we check whether a data object `x` has been created by reading PM data
# files. If otherwise, we assign an existing example object to it.
if (!exists("x") || length(x) == 0) {
  warning("data object 'x' from part 1 is missing or empty, using 'vaas_4'")
  x <- as(vaas_4, "MOPMX") # this example object comes with the opm package
  metadata(x) <- "ID" # set unique IDs

END code we only need here for users which have no PM data of their own


Now we aggregate the PM measurements by calculating four parameters: maximum height A, are under the curve AUC, slope mu and lag phase lambda.

Aggregate the data under default settings and store the results by overwriting the data object x. This is possible because aggregation does not remove any of the data stored in the passed object; it only adds the curve parameters and the aggregation settings.

x <- do_aggr(
  object = x,
  cores = 1 # on systems other than Windows, you can use more cores up to the
            # overall number of cores of the system, to accordingly speed up
            # the parameter estimation; set this to -1 to use the total number
            # of cores on your system

The next query should now return only TRUE values.

##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]


After inferring them, the curve parameters can be plotted in various ways. In the following we assume that a metadata entry 'Strain' is present. Replace that by the metadata entries of interest for you.

The first kind of plot is a parallel plot, which shows all curve parameters together.

  x = x, # the data object
  data = "Strain" # the metadata to use for colouring
## $`Gen III`

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

The argument panel.var for creating sub-panels can access the metadata selected with data. If no metadata were selected (the default), only 'Well' would be available as grouping variable.

  x = x, # the data object as above
  data = "Strain", # selected metadata as above
  panel.var = "Strain", # create subpanels according to 'Strain'
  groups = "Strain" # assign colours to curves according to 'Strain'
## $`Gen III`

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6


Radial plots can also be used for the quantitative comparison of parameter values. They can plot only few wells together, however.

Here parameter A from the first plate is plotted for the wells A01 to A05 plus A10.

  object = x[[1]][, , c(1:5, 10)], # use 1st plate type and 6 of its wells
  as.labels = "Strain", # metadata to be used for colouring
  group.col = FALSE,
  x = 150, y = 200 # placement of the legend

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

Now the same with one colour per group.

  object = x[[1]][, , c(1:5, 10)], # use 1st plate type and 6 of its wells
  as.labels = "Strain", # metadata to be used for colouring
  group.col = TRUE,
  x = 150, y = 200 # placement of the legend

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

Note also that the values for positioning the upper-left corner of the legend are oriented according to the axes of the plot. For positioning in the lower left part of the figure, negative values for x and y were necessary.


The code above is for several plates per plate type, make sure you have them. If you run out of colours, check ?select_colors and ?rainbow for how to create more of them or use group.col = TRUE to for one colour per group.


The function ci_plot is able to visualise point estimates and corresponding 95% confidence intervals for the parameters, derived via bootstrapping during aggregation of raw kinetic data into curve parameters, or, in conjunction with extract, from plate groups defined by metadata.

ci_plot.legend <- ci_plot(
  object = x[[1]][, , c("A01", "A02", "A03")], # use 3 wells from 1st plate type
  as.labels = "Strain", # use these metadata
  subset = "A", # use this parameter (that's the default anyway, try others)
  legend.field = NULL, # panel relative to which legend is placed, here unused
  x = 170, y = 3 # positioning of the legend
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

If you want to use other parameters, note that their names are given by calling param_names.

As we have not conducted bootstrapping during aggregation, this shows only the point estimates but no confidence intervals. We can get them from the replicates, however, if replicates are present (not for the data set vaas_4).

ci_plot.legend <- ci_plot(
  object = extract(
    extract(object = x[[1]][, , c("A01", "A02", "A03")], # wells as above
    dataframe = TRUE, # create confidence intervals
    as.labels = "Strain")  # by grouping according to these metadata
  legend.field = NULL,
  x = 170, y = 3 # positioning of the legend
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'
## Warning in case.character(match.arg(na.action), warn = warning(msg), error
## = stop(msg), : cannot draw CI because left or right margin is 'NA'

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10


If there are no replicates per group, confidence intervals cannot be calculated in that manner. This is a statistical, not a technical restriction: with a single measurement only, you can't get any idea of the variance in the data. We will meet this restriction again in part 5. However, because a respiration kinetic contains many values, confidence intervals for the parameters could be calculated without replicates. This would need to be done during aggregation by bootstrapping the curves. But the approach using technical or even biological replicates is expected to be more informative.


Heat maps are false-colour level plots in which both axes are optionally rearranged according to clustering results. In the context of PM data, it makes most sense to apply it to the estimated curve parameters.

  object = x[[1]], # use only this plate type (we could combine several ones)
  as.labels = "ID", # use these metadata to colour the plot
  subset = "A", # use this parameter (that's the default anyway, try others)
  as.groups = "Strain" # use these to highlight group affiliation

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11


The widths of the left and bottom margin are not always easy to calculate automatically. They can be set by hand at any time, however, using the margins argument.

Now proceed with part 5.