montero_et_al {opmdata} | R Documentation |
object contains a selection of the
measurements used in two studies by Montero-Calasanz
et al. (2013). A minimal set of metadata has been
added to describe the conducted
phenotype microarray (PM) experiments as far as
necessary (see below). The plate type is
‘Generation III’, but the running mode was as for
the usual PM plates.
object with the dimensions 12 x 382 x 96, i.e. twelve
plates with about 382 time points and 96 wells per plate. (Three quartets
of plates with 292, 380 or 382 time points, respectively).
The plates do not contain aggregated values generated
via do_aggr
. Rather, they serve as an
exemplar for merging subsequent runs of the same physical
plate prior to estimating curve parameters. See the
example section below.
The metadata comprise the entries ‘Strain’ and ‘Replicate’, which describe all aspects necessary for serving as an exemplar. The data comprise three subsequent runs for each of the two replicates for each of the two strains, hence twelve plates. The two strains are the type strains of Geodermatophilus telluris (DSM 45421T) and Geodermatophilus tzadiensis (DSM 45416T), respectively.
Bochner, B.R., Savageau, M.A. 1977. Generalized indicator plate for genetic, metabolic, and taxonomic studies with microorganisms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 33, 434–444.
Montero-Calasanz, M.C., Goeker, M., Poetter, G., Rohde, M., Sproeer, C., Schumann, P., Gorbushina, A.A., Klenk, H.-P. 2013 Geodermatophilus telluris sp. nov., a novel actinomycete isolated from Saharan desert sand in Chad. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 13, 2254–2259.
Montero-Calasanz, M.C., Goeker, M., Broughton, W.J., Cattaneo, A., Favet, J., Poetter, G., Rohde, M., Sproeer, C., Schumann, P., Gorbushina, A.A., Klenk, H.-P. 2013 Geodermatophilus tzadiensis sp. nov., isolated Sahara desert sand in Chad. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 36, 177–182.
plate_type(montero_et_al) # should indicate generation-III plates
## [1] "PM01"
(d <- dim(montero_et_al))
## [1] 12 382 96
(ha <- has_aggr(montero_et_al))
## [12] FALSE
stopifnot(!ha, d == c(12, 382, 96))
## Overview of the metadata
## Strain Replicate Number
## 1 45416 A 1
## 2 45416 A 2
## 3 45416 A 3
## 4 45416 B 4
## 5 45416 B 5
## 6 45416 B 6
## 7 45421 A 7
## 8 45421 B 8
## 9 45421 A 9
## 10 45421 A 10
## 11 45421 B 11
## 12 45421 B 12
## Splitting, merging, joining
x <- opms(lapply(split(montero_et_al, ~ Strain + Replicate), merge))
# Other datasets might need an adaption of the parsing of the setup time,
# and of course might contain other combinations of metadata entries that
# identify the physical plate.
## 1
## Class OPM
## From file /home/goeker/Documents/Phenotype/PM/Input_examples/Carmen_Montero/_45416_A_1_28_PMX_357_3_12_2012_A_15A_1.csv
## Hours measured 263.25
## Number of wells 96
## Plate type PM01
## Position 15-A
## Setup time 3/12/2012 11:35:20 AM
## Metadata 3
## Aggregated FALSE
## Discretized FALSE
## 2
## Class OPM
## From file /home/goeker/Documents/Phenotype/PM/Input_examples/Carmen_Montero/_45416_B_1_28_PMX_357_3_12_2012_A_14A_0.csv
## Hours measured 263.25
## Number of wells 96
## Plate type PM01
## Position 14-A
## Setup time 3/12/2012 11:35:20 AM
## Metadata 3
## Aggregated FALSE
## Discretized FALSE
## 3
## Class OPM
## From file /home/goeker/Documents/Phenotype/PM/Input_examples/Carmen_Montero/_45421._A_1_28_PMX_357_3_12_2012_A_21A_7.csv
## Hours measured 263.25
## Number of wells 96
## Plate type PM01
## Position 21-A
## Setup time 3/12/2012 11:35:20 AM
## Metadata 3
## Aggregated FALSE
## Discretized FALSE
## 4
## Class OPM
## From file /home/goeker/Documents/Phenotype/PM/Input_examples/Carmen_Montero/_45421._B_1_28_PMX_357_3_12_2012_A_20A_6.csv
## Hours measured 263.25
## Number of wells 96
## Plate type PM01
## Position 20-A
## Setup time 3/12/2012 11:35:20 AM
## Metadata 3
## Aggregated FALSE
## Discretized FALSE
## => OPMS object with 4 plates (0 aggregated, 0 discretized) of type 'PM01', 96 well(s) and about 1054 time point(s).
stopifnot(is(x, "OPMS"), length(x) == 4)
## Not run:
##D xy_plot(x, include = ~ Strain + Replicate)
## End(Not run)