cor.test {opmextra}R Documentation

Correlate wells


This calculates all-against-all correlations between selected parameters inferred from the contained wells or correlations between all wells and selected wells of interest.


  ## S4 method for signature 'MOPMX'
cor.test(x, ...) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'OPMS'
cor.test(x, y = NULL, method = "pearson",
    use = "everything", subset = opm_opt("curve.param"), ...) 



OPMS or MOPMX object. It is an error if the x contains non-aggregated plates and if MOPMX object contains OPM objects.


Optional vector with names or indexes of columns to correlate with the full extracted matrix. Note that the names must refer to this generated matrix, not to the well names in x.


Character scalar passed to cor from the stats package.


Character scalar also passed to cor.


Character scalar passed to extract.


Optional arguments passed to extract.


The resulting matrix can be plotted, e.g., using the corrplot function from the corrplot package.


For the OPMS method, a squared matrix of correlations if y is empty, another matrix with correlations otherwise. The MOPMX method returns a list of such matrices.

See Also

stats::cor stats::cor.test corrplot::corrplot

Other res: opm_dbclear, opm_dbfind, opm_dbget, opm_dbnext, opm_dbput


(x <- cor.test(vaas_4[, , 1:20]))
##                                A01 (Negative Control) A02 (Dextrin)
## A01 (Negative Control)                      1.0000000     0.9343689
## A02 (Dextrin)                               0.9343689     1.0000000
## A03 (D-Maltose)                             0.9864752     0.9384444
## A04 (D-Trehalose)                           0.9980328     0.9318611
## A05 (D-Cellobiose)                          0.9824109     0.8876293
## A06 (b-Gentiobiose)                         0.9853181     0.9060785
## A07 (Sucrose)                               0.9745074     0.8890715
## A08 (Turanose)                              0.9730569     0.8819663
## A09 (Stachyose)                             0.9595438     0.8669180
## A10 (Positive Control)                      0.7617319     0.9424511
## A11 (pH 6)                                  0.7355035     0.9277478
## A12 (pH 5)                                  0.6749599     0.3800228
## B01 (D-Raffinose)                           0.9761730     0.8905174
## B02 (a-D-Lactose)                           0.9888151     0.9447480
## B03 (D-Melibiose)                           0.9851289     0.9252868
## B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside)                  0.9933638     0.9230296
## B05 (D-Salicin)                             0.9919382     0.8912754
## B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)                0.5681506     0.3214127
## B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)              0.9881198     0.9291654
## B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)              0.9878884     0.9164698
##                                A03 (D-Maltose) A04 (D-Trehalose)
## A01 (Negative Control)               0.9864752         0.9980328
## A02 (Dextrin)                        0.9384444         0.9318611
## A03 (D-Maltose)                      1.0000000         0.9942885
## A04 (D-Trehalose)                    0.9942885         1.0000000
## A05 (D-Cellobiose)                   0.9912431         0.9910556
## A06 (b-Gentiobiose)                  0.9961068         0.9938440
## A07 (Sucrose)                        0.9924407         0.9862461
## A08 (Turanose)                       0.9904771         0.9849182
## A09 (Stachyose)                      0.9849081         0.9746685
## A10 (Positive Control)               0.7852956         0.7604106
## A11 (pH 6)                           0.7480932         0.7291470
## A12 (pH 5)                           0.6678176         0.6889118
## B01 (D-Raffinose)                    0.9928532         0.9874238
## B02 (a-D-Lactose)                    0.9997336         0.9953585
## B03 (D-Melibiose)                    0.9993402         0.9938993
## B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside)           0.9971734         0.9985873
## B05 (D-Salicin)                      0.9861054         0.9950679
## B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)         0.6233418         0.6042267
## B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)       0.9995288         0.9957197
## B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)       0.9978573         0.9956342
##                                A05 (D-Cellobiose) A06 (b-Gentiobiose)
## A01 (Negative Control)                  0.9824109           0.9853181
## A02 (Dextrin)                           0.8876293           0.9060785
## A03 (D-Maltose)                         0.9912431           0.9961068
## A04 (D-Trehalose)                       0.9910556           0.9938440
## A05 (D-Cellobiose)                      1.0000000           0.9990208
## A06 (b-Gentiobiose)                     0.9990208           1.0000000
## A07 (Sucrose)                           0.9984185           0.9984863
## A08 (Turanose)                          0.9986033           0.9979537
## A09 (Stachyose)                         0.9944587           0.9934449
## A10 (Positive Control)                  0.6969598           0.7277545
## A11 (pH 6)                              0.6554954           0.6874673
## A12 (pH 5)                              0.7599432           0.7307384
## B01 (D-Raffinose)                       0.9987940           0.9988567
## B02 (a-D-Lactose)                       0.9892602           0.9946504
## B03 (D-Melibiose)                       0.9951265           0.9985047
## B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside)              0.9960869           0.9982833
## B05 (D-Salicin)                         0.9959607           0.9944002
## B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)            0.7038895           0.6793092
## B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)          0.9947317           0.9982619
## B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)          0.9976945           0.9996769
##                                A07 (Sucrose) A08 (Turanose)
## A01 (Negative Control)             0.9745074      0.9730569
## A02 (Dextrin)                      0.8890715      0.8819663
## A03 (D-Maltose)                    0.9924407      0.9904771
## A04 (D-Trehalose)                  0.9862461      0.9849182
## A05 (D-Cellobiose)                 0.9984185      0.9986033
## A06 (b-Gentiobiose)                0.9984863      0.9979537
## A07 (Sucrose)                      1.0000000      0.9998677
## A08 (Turanose)                     0.9998677      1.0000000
## A09 (Stachyose)                    0.9982271      0.9985621
## A10 (Positive Control)             0.7080902      0.6965678
## A11 (pH 6)                         0.6635078      0.6514647
## A12 (pH 5)                         0.7482893      0.7589800
## B01 (D-Raffinose)                  0.9999686      0.9998278
## B02 (a-D-Lactose)                  0.9897359      0.9875541
## B03 (D-Melibiose)                  0.9962169      0.9948145
## B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside)         0.9935689      0.9925237
## B05 (D-Salicin)                    0.9895426      0.9898259
## B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)       0.7135556      0.7230397
## B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)     0.9949516      0.9934694
## B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)     0.9971119      0.9961971
##                                A09 (Stachyose) A10 (Positive Control)
## A01 (Negative Control)               0.9595438             0.76173186
## A02 (Dextrin)                        0.8669180             0.94245106
## A03 (D-Maltose)                      0.9849081             0.78529564
## A04 (D-Trehalose)                    0.9746685             0.76041065
## A05 (D-Cellobiose)                   0.9944587             0.69695981
## A06 (b-Gentiobiose)                  0.9934449             0.72775446
## A07 (Sucrose)                        0.9982271             0.70809016
## A08 (Turanose)                       0.9985621             0.69656775
## A09 (Stachyose)                      1.0000000             0.68301753
## A10 (Positive Control)               0.6830175             1.00000000
## A11 (pH 6)                           0.6339480             0.99604945
## A12 (pH 5)                           0.7661000             0.06361297
## B01 (D-Raffinose)                    0.9977685             0.70898600
## B02 (a-D-Lactose)                    0.9808541             0.79411858
## B03 (D-Melibiose)                    0.9902228             0.76296153
## B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside)           0.9850689             0.74987729
## B05 (D-Salicin)                      0.9811177             0.69270433
## B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)         0.7489869             0.06496288
## B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)       0.9878652             0.76679838
## B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)       0.9908995             0.74397185
##                                  A11 (pH 6)  A12 (pH 5) B01 (D-Raffinose)
## A01 (Negative Control)          0.735503506 0.674959854         0.9761730
## A02 (Dextrin)                   0.927747836 0.380022817         0.8905174
## A03 (D-Maltose)                 0.748093174 0.667817572         0.9928532
## A04 (D-Trehalose)               0.729146990 0.688911786         0.9874238
## A05 (D-Cellobiose)              0.655495423 0.759943174         0.9987940
## A06 (b-Gentiobiose)             0.687467283 0.730738438         0.9988567
## A07 (Sucrose)                   0.663507758 0.748289292         0.9999686
## A08 (Turanose)                  0.651464698 0.758979968         0.9998278
## A09 (Stachyose)                 0.633948012 0.766099994         0.9977685
## A10 (Positive Control)          0.996049447 0.063612973         0.7089860
## A11 (pH 6)                      1.000000000 0.008658569         0.6649735
## A12 (pH 5)                      0.008658569 1.000000000         0.7479069
## B01 (D-Raffinose)               0.664973523 0.747906945         1.0000000
## B02 (a-D-Lactose)               0.758767180 0.656848699         0.9903024
## B03 (D-Melibiose)               0.723732131 0.693571052         0.9965273
## B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside)      0.714257682 0.706040728         0.9943444
## B05 (D-Salicin)                 0.657666923 0.757116664         0.9906211
## B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)   -0.012386116 0.925251604         0.7102250
## B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)  0.729060175 0.689330569         0.9954093
## B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)  0.705173940 0.714094621         0.9975703
##                                B02 (a-D-Lactose) B03 (D-Melibiose)
## A01 (Negative Control)                 0.9888151         0.9851289
## A02 (Dextrin)                          0.9447480         0.9252868
## A03 (D-Maltose)                        0.9997336         0.9993402
## A04 (D-Trehalose)                      0.9953585         0.9938993
## A05 (D-Cellobiose)                     0.9892602         0.9951265
## A06 (b-Gentiobiose)                    0.9946504         0.9985047
## A07 (Sucrose)                          0.9897359         0.9962169
## A08 (Turanose)                         0.9875541         0.9948145
## A09 (Stachyose)                        0.9808541         0.9902228
## A10 (Positive Control)                 0.7941186         0.7629615
## A11 (pH 6)                             0.7587672         0.7237321
## A12 (pH 5)                             0.6568487         0.6935711
## B01 (D-Raffinose)                      0.9903024         0.9965273
## B02 (a-D-Lactose)                      1.0000000         0.9984023
## B03 (D-Melibiose)                      0.9984023         1.0000000
## B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside)             0.9970668         0.9979414
## B05 (D-Salicin)                        0.9857236         0.9892142
## B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)           0.6064504         0.6504035
## B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)         0.9990002         0.9998199
## B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)         0.9968982         0.9993365
##                                B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside) B05 (D-Salicin)
## A01 (Negative Control)                          0.9933638       0.9919382
## A02 (Dextrin)                                   0.9230296       0.8912754
## A03 (D-Maltose)                                 0.9971734       0.9861054
## A04 (D-Trehalose)                               0.9985873       0.9950679
## A05 (D-Cellobiose)                              0.9960869       0.9959607
## A06 (b-Gentiobiose)                             0.9982833       0.9944002
## A07 (Sucrose)                                   0.9935689       0.9895426
## A08 (Turanose)                                  0.9925237       0.9898259
## A09 (Stachyose)                                 0.9850689       0.9811177
## A10 (Positive Control)                          0.7498773       0.6927043
## A11 (pH 6)                                      0.7142577       0.6576669
## A12 (pH 5)                                      0.7060407       0.7571167
## B01 (D-Raffinose)                               0.9943444       0.9906211
## B02 (a-D-Lactose)                               0.9970668       0.9857236
## B03 (D-Melibiose)                               0.9979414       0.9892142
## B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside)                      1.0000000       0.9957053
## B05 (D-Salicin)                                 0.9957053       1.0000000
## B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)                    0.6385717       0.6672093
## B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)                  0.9987583       0.9904332
## B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)                  0.9991786       0.9937985
##                                B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)
## A01 (Negative Control)                           0.56815059
## A02 (Dextrin)                                    0.32141269
## A03 (D-Maltose)                                  0.62334176
## A04 (D-Trehalose)                                0.60422668
## A05 (D-Cellobiose)                               0.70388954
## A06 (b-Gentiobiose)                              0.67930921
## A07 (Sucrose)                                    0.71355556
## A08 (Turanose)                                   0.72303968
## A09 (Stachyose)                                  0.74898688
## A10 (Positive Control)                           0.06496288
## A11 (pH 6)                                      -0.01238612
## A12 (pH 5)                                       0.92525160
## B01 (D-Raffinose)                                0.71022502
## B02 (a-D-Lactose)                                0.60645035
## B03 (D-Melibiose)                                0.65040355
## B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside)                       0.63857165
## B05 (D-Salicin)                                  0.66720926
## B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)                     1.00000000
## B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)                   0.63966422
## B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)                   0.66085286
##                                B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)
## A01 (Negative Control)                              0.9881198
## A02 (Dextrin)                                       0.9291654
## A03 (D-Maltose)                                     0.9995288
## A04 (D-Trehalose)                                   0.9957197
## A05 (D-Cellobiose)                                  0.9947317
## A06 (b-Gentiobiose)                                 0.9982619
## A07 (Sucrose)                                       0.9949516
## A08 (Turanose)                                      0.9934694
## A09 (Stachyose)                                     0.9878652
## A10 (Positive Control)                              0.7667984
## A11 (pH 6)                                          0.7290602
## A12 (pH 5)                                          0.6893306
## B01 (D-Raffinose)                                   0.9954093
## B02 (a-D-Lactose)                                   0.9990002
## B03 (D-Melibiose)                                   0.9998199
## B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside)                          0.9987583
## B05 (D-Salicin)                                     0.9904332
## B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)                        0.6396642
## B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)                      1.0000000
## B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)                      0.9993858
##                                B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)
## A01 (Negative Control)                              0.9878884
## A02 (Dextrin)                                       0.9164698
## A03 (D-Maltose)                                     0.9978573
## A04 (D-Trehalose)                                   0.9956342
## A05 (D-Cellobiose)                                  0.9976945
## A06 (b-Gentiobiose)                                 0.9996769
## A07 (Sucrose)                                       0.9971119
## A08 (Turanose)                                      0.9961971
## A09 (Stachyose)                                     0.9908995
## A10 (Positive Control)                              0.7439719
## A11 (pH 6)                                          0.7051739
## A12 (pH 5)                                          0.7140946
## B01 (D-Raffinose)                                   0.9975703
## B02 (a-D-Lactose)                                   0.9968982
## B03 (D-Melibiose)                                   0.9993365
## B04 (b-Methyl-D-Glucoside)                          0.9991786
## B05 (D-Salicin)                                     0.9937985
## B06 (N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine)                        0.6608529
## B07 (N-Acetyl-b-D-Mannosamine)                      0.9993858
## B08 (N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine)                      1.0000000
stopifnot(is.matrix(x), dim(x) == 20)
# adapt default text size to a full 96-well plate
my_corrplot <- function(corr, tl.col = "grey30", tl.cex = 0.4,
    mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2), ...) {
  corrplot::corrplot(corr = corr, tl.col = tl.col,
    tl.cex = tl.cex, mar = mar, ...)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

[Package opmextra version 0.0.10 Index]