listing {pkgutils}R Documentation

Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects


Create some kind of listing, used, e.g., in (error) messages or warnings. Alternatively, make an object ‘flat’, such as by creating a non-nested list from a list, or expand it after splitting certain components.


  ## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
flatten(object, ...) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'list'
flatten(object, use.names = TRUE, ...) 

  ## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
listing(x, ...) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'character'
listing(x, header = NULL, footer = NULL,
    prepend = FALSE, style = "list", collapse = if (style == "sentence")
      "\n", force.numbers = FALSE,
    last.sep = c("and", "both", "comma", "or", "two"), hf.collapse = collapse,
  ## S4 method for signature 'factor'
listing(x, ...) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'list'
listing(x, ...) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'numeric'
listing(x, ...) 

  ## S4 method for signature 'character'
unnest(object, sep, fixed = TRUE, ...,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame'
unnest(object, sep, col = names(object),
    fixed = TRUE, ..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'list'
unnest(object, ..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 



Usually a list. The default method just returns object if it is atomic but raises an error otherwise. For unnest, a data frame, list or character vector.


Logical scalar passed to unlist from the base package.


For the default method, an object convertible via unclass to one of the object classes that have explicit methods. For the character-vector method, in the default style mode, its ‘names’ attribute is used as the first column of the resulting listing; if it is NULL or if force.numbers is TRUE, numbers are inserted. The ‘double’ method is controlled by the ‘digits’ entry of options from the base package.


NULL or character vector. Prepended to the result.


NULL or character vector. Appended to the result.


Logical, numeric or character scalar. The two main uses are:

Default mode:

The value is prepended to each line except header and footer. If numeric, the number of spaces. TRUE causes tabs to be used, FALSE turns prepending off. If in ‘character’ mode, used directly.

If style is ‘sentence’:

In that case, a logical scalar decides about whether names are prepended before joining the vector elements. A character scalar is used as template for sprintf, which gets names(x) passed as second and x as third argument. (This order can be inverted, see next argument.)


Character scalar. The main options are:

‘table’ or ‘list’:

Passed to formatDL.


A comma-separated list is created from x, the last separator according to last.sep.

‘m4’ or ‘M4’

acronymGNU m4 macro definitions using double or single quoting, respectively, for the expansions are created. A warning is issued if the macro strings are invalid, which is always the case of x has no names; prepend is ignored.


A template for sprintf is assumed taking two additional arguments, first names(x) and then x.

Note that names and values of x are exchanged beforehand if style is run through I from the base package.


Character scalar used to join the resulting vector elements. It is by default also applied for joining header and footer footer with them (if provided). This can be turned off using hf.collapse. By default this is an empty string for ‘sentence’ style, the newline character otherwise.


Logical scalar. Always use numbers instead of the ‘names’ attribute?


Character scalar indicating what should be used as last separator if style is ‘sentence’. ‘both’ means ‘and’ and comma, ‘two’ means ‘or’ and comma.


Character scalar or empty. If distinct from collapse, used for separately for joining header and footer (if provided).


Optional other arguments passed to formatDL. For unnest, optional arguments passed to data.frame.


Character scalar passed as split argument to strsplit.


Character vector with the names of the columns to be passed to strsplit for splitting.


Logical scalar passed to strsplit.


Logical scalar passed to data.frame.


Character scalar in the case of listing, data frame in the case of unnest.

See Also

base::message base::warning base::stop base::formatDL

Other coding-functions: L, LL, assert, case, check, collect, contains, map_names, map_values, must, set, sql,


## listing()

# default style
x <- structure(letters[1:5], names = LETTERS[1:5])
(y <- listing(x, "Five letters:", "...end here", 1))
## [1] "Five letters:\n A: a\n B: b\n C: c\n D: d\n E: e\n...end here"
stopifnot(length(y) == 1, y ==
  "Five letters:\n A: a\n B: b\n C: c\n D: d\n E: e\n...end here")

# 'sentence' style
(y <- listing(letters[1:3], style = "sentence", last.sep = "both"))
## [1] "a, b, and c"
stopifnot(y == "a, b, and c", length(y) == 1)
(y <- listing(letters[1:3], style = I("sentence"), last.sep = "both"))
## [1] "1, 2, and 3"
stopifnot(y == "1, 2, and 3", length(y) == 1)
(y <- listing(letters[1:3], style = "sentence", prepend = TRUE))
## [1] "1: a, 2: b and 3: c"
stopifnot(y == "1: a, 2: b and 3: c", length(y) == 1)
(y <- listing(letters[1:3], style = I("sentence"), prepend = TRUE))
## [1] "a: 1, b: 2 and c: 3"
stopifnot(y == "a: 1, b: 2 and c: 3", length(y) == 1)
(y <- listing(letters[1:3], style = "sentence", prepend = "%s=>%s"))
## [1] "1=>a, 2=>b and 3=>c"
stopifnot(y == "1=>a, 2=>b and 3=>c", length(y) == 1)
(y <- listing(letters[1:3], style = "sentence", last.sep = "two"))
## [1] "a, b, or c"
stopifnot(y == "a, b, or c", length(y) == 1)

# with explicit sprintf template
(y <- listing(x, style = "%s, %s", collapse = "; ", prepend = "!"))
## [1] "!A, a; !B, b; !C, c; !D, d; !E, e"
stopifnot(y == "!A, a; !B, b; !C, c; !D, d; !E, e", length(y) == 1)
(y <- listing(x, style = I("%s, %s"), collapse = "; ", prepend = "!"))
## [1] "!a, A; !b, B; !c, C; !d, D; !e, E"
stopifnot(y == "!a, A; !b, B; !c, C; !d, D; !e, E", length(y) == 1)

# create m4 macro definitions
(y <- listing(x, style = "m4"))
## [1] "define(`A', ``a'')dnl\ndefine(`B', ``b'')dnl\ndefine(`C', ``c'')dnl\ndefine(`D', ``d'')dnl\ndefine(`E', ``e'')dnl"
stopifnot(grepl("^(define\\([^)]+\\)dnl\n?)+$", y), length(y) == 1)

# other 'x' arguments
stopifnot(listing(x) == listing(as.list(x)))
old.opt <- options(digits = 3)
stopifnot(listing(pi) == "1: 3.14") # controlled by getOption("digits")

## flatten()
x <- list(a = list(b = 1:5, c = letters[1:5]), d = LETTERS[1:3],
  e = list(pi))
(y <- flatten(x)) # sublists removed, non-list elements kept
## $a.b
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
## $a.c
## [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"
## $d
## [1] "A" "B" "C"
## $e
## [1] 3.141593
stopifnot(is.list(y), length(y) == 4, !sapply(y, is.list))
# atomic objects are not modified by default
stopifnot(identical(letters, flatten(letters)))

[Package pkgutils version 0.7.63 Index]