pkgutils.package {pkgutils} | R Documentation |
Tools useful when creating R packages, particularly for checking the documentation produced by roxygen2 and for adding support for the documentation of S4 methods, but also for checking some aspects of the coding style. Further, some functions of use when coding a package and others of use in interactive R sessions. Finally, R syntax highlighting for some text editors.
The package contains the following non-standard subdirectories:
scripts in other programming languages that are called by
some functions of this package. Some functionality of the
script needs them.
Patterns for highlighting R syntax for use with some text editors. See the files themselves for details.
for non-interactive use of R. The one used to create,
check and modify package documentation is
. The other scripts have no connection to
creating packages but might also be useful. See the help
messages of these scripts (obtained via the
‘–help’ switch) for details. The scripts are
expected to run at least on UNIX-like operating systems.
Windows users might need to install Rtools, see